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MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair

MSMR has completed a development at Farm Street in London’s Mayfair providing 14 key worker apartments and a street cleaning depot for client partnership Westminster City Council and Cauldwell

The project follows Westminster’s City for All agenda of providing affordable housing for key workers created out of robust, sustainable and long-life materials.

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MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair
MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair
MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair
MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair
MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair
MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair
MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair
MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair
MSMR completes affordable housing scheme in Mayfair